I started this piece at Western McGown Teachers Workshop in Eugene, Oregon on June 24, 2011. The class was taught by Shelley Flannery. She stepped in at the last minute to teach the class. It was great spending the day with her and seeing some of her beautiful hooked pieces.
This pillow top was a stretch from my comfort zone. I pushed myself (with some help from my mentor Nancy Miller Quigley) to use a variety of wool in each element. I am so excited about the end result.
I feel pretty confident when I'm hooking, but when I'm ready to bind off or sew a piece together. Cutting that linen down to a reasonable seam allowance is nerve wracking. I usually put it off as long as possible because of the fear of totally screwing the whole piece up at the finishing stage. I'm quite excited to get this one on the sofa though, so maybe I will be doing some sewing this weekend.
Floral Fantasy - S (PR1301)
Available from The House of Price, Inc.