Pillowtop hooked by Wendy Brannan. She started this piece at Western Teacher’s Workshop last year. I believe it is a McGown pattern called “Marie”.

Rug braided by Jeanine Speckman.

This purse is was hooked by a visitor to our guild from another state. It looks like Deanne Fitzpatrick was her inspiration. *
Lena Krinard brought wool she dyed recently with natural dyes—mostly eucalyptus leaves. It was beautiful!

As usual—lots of inspiration from all of the projects in process.
*My Thursday night hooking group had a discussion regarding the Deanne Fitzpatrick pattern used on the purse brought to guild. The woman who made it indicated she got the pattern from a photo in a magazine. I think many times people think it is OK to get a pattern this way if it is for your own use. Myself, I never really thought much of it myself when I started hooking. I have, in fact, have made use of an unauthorized copy of a pattern myself a couple of times. As Maya Angelou says, "When you know better, do better". The reason why I am even mentioning this now is because we should all learn the rules so we can all do better.
The rule to follow is whether your use is depriving the designer of a sale. I myself have used a leaflet pattern that someone else purchased. The original purchaser used a different motif in the pattern, so we decided that in that instance it was probably OK for us to share the pattern. I, however, passed the pattern on to someone else. Ethically, we should have not done that. It should have stopped with me. I made another rug with a hit-and-miss pattern that was traced on pellon. I thought it was some random drawing someone did, but later I recognized that it was actually the McGown cat's paw pattern. So... bottom line, now that I know better I plan to do better. I hope you will too.